O MONOBRIGHT, banda que o Hidaka se juntou após o fim do Beat Crusaders, fez um comercial para a Pocky, uma marca bem tradicional de palitinhos de chocolate aqui do Japão. A Pocky é um dos patrocinadores do filme 婚前特急 (Konzen Tokkyu, algo como "Trem Pré-Nupcial") e a música tema do filme é esta que toca no comercial, Dancing Babe, que será lançada no single Come Together / Dancing Babe, no dia 2 de março. O PV da nova música está disponível no site oficial do MONOBRIGHT.
MONOBRIGHT, the band that Hidaka joined after Beat Crusaders broke up, made a commercial for Pocky, a traditional chocolate chopsticks brand here in Japan. Pocky is one of the sponsors of the movie 婚前特急 (Konzen Tokkyu, something like "Pre-nuptial Train") and the theme song of this movie is this one in the commercial above, Dancing Babe, that will be launched on the single Come Together / Dancing Babe, on March 2nd. The PV of the new music is available on MONOBRIGHT's official website.
MONOBRIGHT, the band that Hidaka joined after Beat Crusaders broke up, made a commercial for Pocky, a traditional chocolate chopsticks brand here in Japan. Pocky is one of the sponsors of the movie 婚前特急 (Konzen Tokkyu, something like "Pre-nuptial Train") and the theme song of this movie is this one in the commercial above, Dancing Babe, that will be launched on the single Come Together / Dancing Babe, on March 2nd. The PV of the new music is available on MONOBRIGHT's official website.
Faixas do single / Tracklist:
1. Come Together
2. Dancing Babe
3. 見たか (Mitaka)
4. 国産バイブレーション (Kokusan Vibration)
Assista ao trailer do filme! Watch the trailer below!