Hoje nosso cantor favorito completa 43 anos! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
Today our favorite singer turns 43! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
Today our favorite singer turns 43! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
Toru Hidaka nasceu na cidade de Funabashi, localizada na província de Chiba, em 1968. Seu sangue é tipo B e é pai de um menino de 1 ano, chamado Michiro (mesmo nome do vocalista do The Stalin, uma banda punk japonesa dos anos 80 que Hidaka costuma usar camiseta). Hidaka foi vocalista e guitarrista do Beat Crusaders e do Pesela-Quesela-In. Atualmente, trabalha como produtor musical de diversos artistas (Isobe Masafumi, Sekaiichi, Going Under Ground), toca teclado e guitarra no MONOBRIGHT, é vocalista e guitarrista do TV Murders, Gallow e do Okashina Futari e é o autor do mangá Rockafeller Skank.
Toru Hidaka was born in Funabashi city, in Chiba prefecture, in 1968. His blood type is B and he is the father of an 1 year boy named Michiro (the same name of the lead singer of The Stalin, a 80's japanese punk band which Hidaka usually wears a t-shirt). Hidaka was the vocalist and guitarist of Beat Crusaders and Pesela-Quesela-In. Nowadays, he works as a music producer for various artists (Masafumi Isobe, Sekaiichi, Going Under Ground), plays keyboards and guitar in MONOBRIGHT, vocalist and guitarist of TV Murders, Gallow and Okashina Futari and is the author of Rockafeller Skank manga.
Toru Hidaka was born in Funabashi city, in Chiba prefecture, in 1968. His blood type is B and he is the father of an 1 year boy named Michiro (the same name of the lead singer of The Stalin, a 80's japanese punk band which Hidaka usually wears a t-shirt). Hidaka was the vocalist and guitarist of Beat Crusaders and Pesela-Quesela-In. Nowadays, he works as a music producer for various artists (Masafumi Isobe, Sekaiichi, Going Under Ground), plays keyboards and guitar in MONOBRIGHT, vocalist and guitarist of TV Murders, Gallow and Okashina Futari and is the author of Rockafeller Skank manga.
Happy (Early) Birthday, Hidaka! May Your Birthday Be Fill With Fun, Humor, Punk Rock and Joy. According To The Time Line, Hidaka Birthday Is Tomorrow, So This Is Just A Happy Reminder For Him And All Of His Fans.
ResponderExcluirThanx for the comments, friend!! Here in Japan it's already June 5th. You know, we're always in front of the rest of the world, even in that, lol! Hidaka is the BEST! *O*