O ex-tecladista, guitarrista e vocalista da formação original do Beat Crusaders, Hiroyuki Thai, morreu de ataque cardíaco aos 34 anos na madrugada do dia 26 de novembro. A nota de falecimento foi divulgada no dia 30 de novembro no blog oficial do ex-colega de banda, Toru Hidaka.
Beat Crusaders' former keyboardist, guitarist and vocalist, Hiroyuki Thai, died of a heart attack at age 34 in the morning of november 26. The death notice was published on november 30 in the official blog of the former bandmate, Toru Hidaka.
Beat Crusaders' former keyboardist, guitarist and vocalist, Hiroyuki Thai, died of a heart attack at age 34 in the morning of november 26. The death notice was published on november 30 in the official blog of the former bandmate, Toru Hidaka.
Antes do nascimento do Beat Crusaders, Thai e Hidaka formaram a banda Pesela-Quesela-In. É Thai quem aparece no encarte do único álbum da banda, Remasterpieces. Após a separação da formação original do Beat Crusaders (Thai, Umu e Araki), em agosto de 2003, Thai se tornou o vocalista da banda Anita Chili Peppers, posição que ocupou até sua morte. Havia, inclusive, um show da banda programado para dezembro, em Tokyo, que acabou sendo cancelado.
Before the birth of the Beat Crusaders, Thai and Hidaka started the band Pesela-Quesela-In. It's Thai who appears in the booklet of the band's only album, Remasterpieces. After the separation of the original members of Beat Crusaders (Thai, Umu and Araki), in august 2003, Thai became the lead singer of Anita Chili Peppers, a position he held until his death. There was even a band's show scheduled for december in Tokyo, which has been canceled.
Before the birth of the Beat Crusaders, Thai and Hidaka started the band Pesela-Quesela-In. It's Thai who appears in the booklet of the band's only album, Remasterpieces. After the separation of the original members of Beat Crusaders (Thai, Umu and Araki), in august 2003, Thai became the lead singer of Anita Chili Peppers, a position he held until his death. There was even a band's show scheduled for december in Tokyo, which has been canceled.
Uma perda irreparável para a música indie japonesa. Thai será lembrado para sempre por todos os seus fãs. Obrigada pelas ótimas músicas e por toda a diversão!
An irreparable loss to the japanese indie music scene. Thai will be remembered forever by all his fans. Thanks for the great music and fun moments!
An irreparable loss to the japanese indie music scene. Thai will be remembered forever by all his fans. Thanks for the great music and fun moments!
Abaixo, ouça a música Oracle, cantada por Thai no Pesela-Quesela-In.
Below, listen to Oracle, sang by Thai on Pesela-Quesela-In.
Below, listen to Oracle, sang by Thai on Pesela-Quesela-In.
Tonight the city has began to fail
To keep your body clean at all
Someone you don't know has began to wail
Your sermon echos in the hall
I want to make you forget everything
I want to make you turn your head
Descanse em paz, Thai.
Rest in peace, Thai.