Na madrugada do dia 11 para o dia 12, rolou aqui no Japão uma transmissão ao vivo (via stream) do lançamento do split single do Hidaka com a banda Fed Music, o Our Favorite Songs. Das 23h00 às 1h30, os caras falaram sobre a parceria, sobre música, fizeram piadas, "concurso de desenho" e, no final, é claro, fizeram uma mini live. Quem perdeu, não se desespere! Com exclusividade, o Beta Crusaders Blog traz para os fãs de Hidaka as cinco músicas tocadas pelo grupo naquela noite: Double Fantasy, Lonely Boy (cover de Andrew Gold), 1998 (cover de Gallow), Yasashisa ni Tsutsuma Retanara (cover de Arai Yumi) e outra que não descobri de quem é (hahaha)!
A qualidade da gravação não está muito boa por motivos óbvios... é impossível fazer uma transmissão em tempo real com qualidade full HD, né? Conto com a compreensão de todos! v(^O^☆♪
On the morning of day 11 to day 12, happened here in Japan a live broadcast (stream) of the release of Hidaka and Fed Music's split single, Our Favorite Songs. From 23:00 to 1:30 a.m., the guys talked about this partnership, about music, joked, made a "drawing competition" and in the end, of course, a mini live. Who didn't see it live, don't be sad! Exclusively, Beta Crusaders Blog brings to Hidaka's fans all the five songs played by the group that night: Double Fantasy, Lonely Boy (Andrew Gold's cover), 1998 (Gallow's cover), Yasashisa ni Tsutsuma Retanara (Arai Yumi's cover) and another one that I still didn't figure out the name (hahaha)!
The recording quality is not very good for obvious reasons... is impossible to make a real-time streaming in full HD quality, right? I hope you guys understand! v(^O^☆♪
On the morning of day 11 to day 12, happened here in Japan a live broadcast (stream) of the release of Hidaka and Fed Music's split single, Our Favorite Songs. From 23:00 to 1:30 a.m., the guys talked about this partnership, about music, joked, made a "drawing competition" and in the end, of course, a mini live. Who didn't see it live, don't be sad! Exclusively, Beta Crusaders Blog brings to Hidaka's fans all the five songs played by the group that night: Double Fantasy, Lonely Boy (Andrew Gold's cover), 1998 (Gallow's cover), Yasashisa ni Tsutsuma Retanara (Arai Yumi's cover) and another one that I still didn't figure out the name (hahaha)!
The recording quality is not very good for obvious reasons... is impossible to make a real-time streaming in full HD quality, right? I hope you guys understand! v(^O^☆♪
Nesse dia, Hidaka anunciou também que eles têm planos de lançar um álbum juntos no ano que vem! OBAAA!!!*o*
Also, Hidaka has annouced that they got plans to release an album together next year! YEAAAH!!*o*
Buen Blog!! :D BECR 4 EVER!!!