Dia 11 de outubro, um dia antes da data oficial de lançamento (TE AMO, JAPÃO! XD), recebi o meu split single "Our Favorite Songs", da parceria do Hidaka com a banda Fed Music que havia encomendado há meses no site da Tower Records.
On October 11th, one day before the official release date (I LOVE YOU, JAPAN! XD), I received my split single "Our Favorite Songs", from the partnership between Hidaka and Fed Music, which I had ordered months ago on Tower Records website.
On October 11th, one day before the official release date (I LOVE YOU, JAPAN! XD), I received my split single "Our Favorite Songs", from the partnership between Hidaka and Fed Music, which I had ordered months ago on Tower Records website.
O CD contém quatro músicas, sendo duas da parceria de Hidaka com Fed Music e outras duas do Cubismo Grafico com a cantora Sayaka Kushibiki.
The CD has four songs, two of them by Hidaka and Fed Music and other two by Cubismo Grafico and the singer Sayaka Kushibiki.
The CD has four songs, two of them by Hidaka and Fed Music and other two by Cubismo Grafico and the singer Sayaka Kushibiki.
Double Fantasy acabou virando propriedade de Hidaka e Fed Music, não mais do Gallow. O PV dessa música já foi postado aqui no blog com a letra e é uma gracinha! Vale a pena repostá-lo abaixo, hehehe.
Double Fantasy is now owned by Hidaka and Fed Music, no more owned by Gallow. The PV of the song has been posted on the blog with the lyrics and is sooooo cute! It is worthwhile to repost it below, LOL.
Lonely Boy é um cover de Andrew Gold, de 1977 e, como já é de costume desde os tempos do Beat Crusaders, Hidaka conseguiu superar mais uma vez a versão original.
Ouça a versão original abaixo:
Lonely Boy is a cover of Andrew Gold's original song (1977) and, as usual since Beat Crusaders times, Hidaka once again overcome the original one.
Listen to the original version below:
Lonely Boy is a cover of Andrew Gold's original song (1977) and, as usual since Beat Crusaders times, Hidaka once again overcome the original one.
Listen to the original version below:
AOR é uma composição original de Cubismo Grafico e Sayaka Kushibiki, enquanto que Spring Song é um cover da cantora Linda Lewis, de 1972.
Ouça abaixo Spring Song, de Linda Lewis:
AOR is an original composition by Cubismo Grafico and Sayaka Kushibiki, while Spring Song is a cover of Linda Lewis (1972).
Listen below to Spring Song, by Linda Lewis:
AOR is an original composition by Cubismo Grafico and Sayaka Kushibiki, while Spring Song is a cover of Linda Lewis (1972).
Listen below to Spring Song, by Linda Lewis:
"Our Favorite Songs" mostra que a tendência iniciada com o Beat Crusaders de fazer inúmeros duetos com outros artistas continua viva em Hidaka. Espero que continue assim! *O*
"Our Favorite Songs" shows that the trend started with Beat Crusaders of doing lots of duets with other artists is still alive in Hidaka. I hope it stays that way! *O*
"Our Favorite Songs" shows that the trend started with Beat Crusaders of doing lots of duets with other artists is still alive in Hidaka. I hope it stays that way! *O*
NOOOOOSSA gostei muito =D mas to mal acostumado, qualquer guitarrista que eu vejo ao lado do Hidaka, me parece extremamente sem personalidade.. BECR feelings *.*
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